ALERMO Ocean Forecasting System

The OPAM group provides ocean circulation forecast in the Eastern Mediterranean with the high-resolution operational system called the ALERMO (Aegean Levantine Eddy Resolving Model).
Nested in ALERMO, and coupled with an oilspill monitoring/forecasting application, is the very high resolution North Aegean Forecasting module.
ALERMO forecasting system is integrated in the Mediterranean Oceanography Network for the Global Ocean Observing System (MONGOOS) providing a variety of oceanic monitoring/forecasting products in the Mediterranean Sea.
TRITON Wave Forecasting System

The group provides 60-hours wave forecasting with the TRITON wave forecast system which includes a series of wave models with increasing resolution and goes from global scales to regional down to coastal, focusing on the Greek seas.
DIAVLOS Oil-spill Forecasting System

Targeting oil-spill dispersion in the North Aegean Sea (in the area around the terminal of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipe) Diavlos oil-spill forecasting system was developed and provides an interactive forecasting tool (including ocean circulation, wave and wind field predictions).